Macro condenser

Macro condenser

Ava Sarmayesh Co., with more than 15 years of experience in the construction and implementation of cold storage, has now been able to produce and market a new product under the brand name of Macro SWM with a special and modern design.

Ava Cooling Company
Ava Sarmayesh Company, with more than 15 years of experience in the construction and implementation of cold stores, has now been able to produce and market new products under the brand name of Macro WM with a special and modern design.
The purpose of producing a macro SWM product in Ava Cooling Company
Less production cost and more affordable market
Easy to install with less time
Transportation at a lower cost and easier
Stylish and complete and safe cover
The purpose of naming the MacSW product in Ava Cooling Company
We used the macro channel or macro channel to call the beginning of the brand macro
What is a macro channel?
It is a type of aluminum condenser that has been designed with anti-corrosion coating for 10 years and has been used most in the automotive industry.
Macro channel for some reason:
1. Extremely efficient design that provides up to 40% heat dissipation Unlike standard condenser builders, it is possible to do this through a multi-channel duct inside the pipe and a base connection between the pipe and the fin. Heat transfer from refrigerant to air is more
2- One-way air flow path through the channels makes it possible for the channel path to be less blocked and the fresh air flow is easily done and it is easy to clean and wash.
3- 100% aluminum design with anti-corrosion coating has significantly increased the resistance of the coil and has less weight.
4- Macro coil is designed in such a way that refrigerant gas is 60% less than copper pipes and requires less fresh air, and as a result, the number of low-power fans consumes less electricity.
5- Due to the density of the gas in the single-phase macro coil, refrigerant is not created and does not require a receiver tank.
6- Remember to reduce the consumption of macro and gas consumption by using Cole condenser and finally we have done less damage to the environment and prevent the land from collapsing.
** It may occur to everyone that heat transfer from copper is higher than aluminum, so why is the macro coil more efficient?
Answer: In the above sections, the variety of special designs of this system was noted and the fact that we should know that in the structure of copper condensers, aluminum fins as a coating and high gas volume have made copper pipes unable to transfer heat from refrigerant completely and Do exactly